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**Hair Loss in Long Covid


Hair Loss. What is it?

Hair loss has emerged as a notable symptom in individuals suffering from Long COVID, presenting both physical and psychological challenges. This overview explores the typical symptoms, demographic profile of those affected, and the prevalence of hair loss in the context of Long COVID.

Typical Symptoms:

Hair loss associated with Long COVID is often characterized by telogen effluvium, a condition where hair prematurely enters the shedding phase. This leads to noticeable thinning or clumps of hair falling out, usually manifesting a few months after the initial infection. Unlike hair loss due to stress or other medical conditions, Long COVID-related hair loss tends to be more persistent and may be accompanied by other long COVID symptoms such as fatigue and cognitive issues.

Demographic Profile:

Hair loss in Long COVID affects a diverse demographic. While it can occur in any individual recovering from COVID-19, research indicates that women, younger people, and those from certain ethnic backgrounds (particularly Black and South Asian communities) are more prone to experiencing this symptom. Interestingly, the severity of the initial COVID-19 infection does not necessarily correlate with the likelihood of experiencing hair loss during the long COVID phase, meaning even those with mild initial symptoms can suffer from significant hair loss.

Diverse Affected Groups: Women, younger individuals, and certain ethnic backgrounds (especially Black and South Asian communities) are more prone.

Severity Independence: Hair loss can occur regardless of the severity of the initial COVID-19 infection, affecting even those with mild symptoms.


Emerging studies have highlighted that hair loss is a common symptom reported by long COVID sufferers. A study published in Nature Medicine found that hair loss, along with reduced libido, was among the 62 symptoms frequently reported by individuals 12 weeks post-infection. The study analyzed health records of over 2.4 million people in the UK, comparing those who had COVID-19 with those who did not. The findings underscored the complexity of long COVID and the wide range of symptoms that can persist long after the initial infection has resolved​ (UK Research and Innovation)​​ (New Atlas)​.

Hair loss due to Long COVID, often manifesting as telogen effluvium, can be distressing but is typically temporary. Strategies such as maintaining a nutrient-rich diet, managing stress, and using gentle hair care practices can significantly aid in recovery and promote hair regrowth.

Long Covid The Answers


Nutritional Support:

Gentle Hair Care:

Stress Management:

Medical Treatments:

Scalp Care:


Protective Hairstyles:

Regular Monitoring:

Credible Sources of Information:

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