Long Haulers' Personal Stories Symptom Relief | Management

An ER Doctor’s Personal Account of Getting Long COVID

An ER doctor’s personal account of Long COVID :

Toronto General Hospital Research Institute clinician investigator Dr. Jennifer Hulme works as an emergency physician at the University Health Network (UHN) in Canada. Together with other members of the Global Health Emergency Medicine group, she co-chairs the Health Equity Committee, which aims to enhance health outcomes for underserved populations. You can access her personal account of getting Long COVID at this link.


  • Dr. Jennifer Hulme, a University Health Network (UHN) in Toronto, Canada Emergency physician, contracted COVID-19 in April 2022, marking the beginning of her battle with long COVID.
  • Despite being fully vaccinated, she experienced a range of symptoms including severe fatigue, cognitive impairment, and sensory sensitivities.
  • Dr. Hulme underwent various treatments including hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and participation in clinical trials led by Dr. Angela Cheung at UHN.
  • She emphasizes the need for appropriate testing to reveal the underlying pathology of long COVID and urges for more clinical trials to find effective treatments.
  • Dr. Hulme advises prevention through rigorous precautions and encourages participation in research programs like CanTreatCOVID to advance understanding and management of long COVID

The tests are not normal… Every study of long haulers shows unbelievable pathology… We just don’t have an easily accessible biomarker yet. While there are no approved treatments for long COVID yet, there IS hope, and there are treatments that help!

Dr. Jennifer Hulme