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*** Case Studies Initiative for Long COVID: Exploring Repurposed Drugs



A new initiative invites Long COVID sufferers, particularly healthcare workers, namely physicians, to submit case studies of individuals grappling with untreatable or challenging conditions. These submissions highlight instances where repurposed drugs have shown promise in alleviating symptoms. The goal is to amass a sufficient number of cases to secure funding for clinical trials investigating the efficacy of these drugs in treating Long COVID.

This initiative aims to bridge the gap between anecdotal evidence and scientific validation, offering hope for effective treatments for Long COVID.

View website: https://cure.ncats.io/about

Key Points:

  • Long COVID sufferers, especially healthcare workers such as physicians, are encouraged to share case studies of individuals with challenging conditions.
  • The focus is on instances where repurposed drugs have shown potential benefits in managing Long COVID symptoms.
  • The initiative seeks to gather enough cases to support funding for clinical trials examining the effectiveness of these repurposed drugs.
  • By collecting and analyzing case studies, the initiative aims to validate anecdotal evidence and pave the way for evidence-based treatments for Long COVID.

This initiative empowers Long COVID sufferers and healthcare professionals to contribute valuable case studies, offering a pathway for exploring the potential of repurposed drugs in managing the condition. Through collaborative efforts, we aim to catalyze the funding of clinical trials and advance our understanding of effective treatments for Long COVID..

Dr. Funmi Okunola MD

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