Dr Andrew Weber MD

Long Covid Physician | Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine

Dr. Andrew Weber is a Pulmonary Medicine physician who specializes in Pulmonary and Critical Care. Dr. Weber currently practices as at Mather Hospital/Northwell Health as an Intensivist and practices Pulmonary medicine in both the inpatient and outpatient arenas.

He is Board Certified in Internal Medicine, Pulmonary Disease, Critical Care Medicine, and Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography. Dr Weber has a passion for treating patients with Long Covid-19.


Location: Port Jefferson Station, New York

Treats: ADULTS

Treats: No



Long Covid
Pulmonary Medicine
andrew weber headshot


  • Website : https://www.mathermedicalgroup.org/provider-directory/providers/andrew-weber/
  • Phone : 631.743.6890
  • Address : 5225 Nesconset Highway Building 13, Suite 60 Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776

Dr. Funmi Okunola, MD

President & CEO

Professor James C. Jackson, PsyD

Neuropsychologist | Vanderbilt TN, USA

Dr Daniel Griffin, MD PhD

Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease Physician | New York USA