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Long COVID’s Multisystemic Impact and Research Gaps

Long COVID: Lifelong Symptoms, Disability, and Economic Implications


highlights the long-term consequences of COVID-19, indicating potential causes, associated health risks, and the multifaceted nature of symptoms. It emphasizes the urgent need for research led by ME/CFS and dysautonomia experts, prioritizing clinical trials and representative studies to address the profound impact of long COVID.

Main Points:

  • Long COVID, affecting 10% of SARS-CoV-2 infections, comprises over 200 symptoms, impacting multiple organ systems.
  • The review underscores the persistent lack of effective treatments and diagnostic options for long COVID, emphasizing the necessity for prioritized clinical trials.
  • Neurological and cardiovascular impacts, as well as organ damage, are explored, highlighting the urgency of research to address gaps in understanding and treatment.
  • Diverse Causes and Risks: Long COVID may result from persisting SARS-CoV-2, immune dysregulation, microbiota impacts, and autoimmunity, contributing to an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and vascular transformations.
  • Multisystemic Symptoms: Individuals with long COVID experience a range of symptoms, spanning neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, pain, and cognitive impairments, associated with mitochondrial dysfunction, endothelial dysfunction, and neuroinflammation.
  • Limited Treatment Options: Treatment avenues for long COVID are scarce, prompting exploration of potential options. Research urgency is underscored, with a call for inclusivity, focusing on populations disproportionately affected, particularly people of color.

Although these key findings are critical to understanding long COVID, current diagnostic and treatment options are insufficient, and clinical trials must be prioritized that address leading hypotheses. Additionally, to strengthen long COVID research, future studies must account for biases and SARS-CoV-2 testing issues, build on viral-onset research, be inclusive of marginalized populations and meaningfully engage patients throughout the research process

Hannah E. Davis, 
Lisa McCorkell, 
Julia Moore Vogel & 
Eric J. Topol 

Long COVID Overview:

Challenges and Recommendations:

  • Testing Issues: Challenges in PCR and antibody testing have led to biases in long COVID research. False negative rates, testing inaccessibility, and misconceptions about antibody tests have impacted the categorization of patients.
  • Miscues: Misinformation on COVID-19’s respiratory focus delayed understanding of neurological and multisystem impacts. Lack of postviral knowledge led to misdiagnoses and insufficient study designs.
  • Recommendations: Recommendations include comprehensive research agendas, robust clinical trials, representative research populations, education for healthcare providers, public communication campaigns, and policies supporting funding and care.


Long COVID is presented as a significant and growing global health concern, with potentially lifelong disabilities if adequate actions are not taken. Diagnostic and treatment options are currently insufficient, and urgent clinical trials are needed to address underlying biological mechanisms.

Original Source & Citation:

Hannah E. Davis, Lisa McCorkell, Julia Moore Vogel & Eric J. Topol

Davis, H.E., McCorkell, L., Vogel, J.M. et al. Long COVID: major findings, mechanisms and recommendations. Nat Rev Microbiol 21, 133–146 (2023).

  • Accepted05 December 2022
  • Published13 January 2023
  • Issue DateMarch 2023