Apheresis Latest Research | Long Covid

Apheresis | Long Covid Patients Seek Expensive Treatments Abroad

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment

Apheresis refers to the process of separating the cellular and soluble components of blood using a machine.


  • Thousands of long covid patients are traveling to Cyprus, Germany, and Switzerland for apheresis treatment and anticoagulation drugs, spending large sums of money with no guarantee of improvement in symptoms.
  • Some experts believe apheresis and anticoagulation drugs may be promising treatments for long covid, while others worry about the lack of scientific evidence and the high cost of these treatments.
  • Patients are seeking treatments abroad due to frustration with the lack of available treatment options in their home countries.
  • The Long Covid Center in Cyprus has been criticized for its consent process and the use of experimental treatments without clear communication to patients.
  • There is a lack of published and peer-reviewed evidence showing that apheresis and anticoagulation therapy reduce microclots, and some experts believe these treatments are premature without more scientific research.

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment.

Dr. Funmi Okunola MD



Cite: BMJ 2022;378:o1671