Apheresis Latest Research | Long Covid

Apheresis | 2022

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment

Apheresis refers to the process of separating the cellular and soluble components of blood using a machine.


  • The potential of heparin-induced extracorporeal LDL/fibrinogen precipitation (H.E.L.P.)-apheresis for patients with severe acute or chronic COVID-19
  • H.E.L.P. apheresis could significantly contribute to the restoration of microcirculation in the lungs and other affected organs
  • It removes 70% of fibrinogen within 2-3 hours, improving oxygen supply in the capillaries
  • The method has been successfully applied in various cardiovascular conditions and could be considered for the treatment of patients with acute and long COVID
  • The intervention in the inflammatory cascade takes place as early as possible before the onset of the “cytokine tsunami” to prevent uncontrollable coagulation and inflammatory activity
  • The use of H.E.L.P. apheresis should be considered for the treatment of patients with acute and long COVID to restore vascular homeostasis, remove inflammatory and thrombogenic mediators, and avoid unnecessary suffering

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment.

Dr. Funmi Okunola MD

