Apheresis Latest Research | Long Covid

Apheresis | Research

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment

Apheresis  is a medical technology in which the blood of a person is passed through an apparatus that separates out one particular constituent and returns the remainder to the circulation


  • Long-Covid patients experience chronic fatigue and post-exertional malaise
  • Therapeutic apheresis has shown to reduce neurotransmitter autoantibodies, lipids, and inflammatory markers in Long-Covid patients
  • Mechanisms of Long-Covid include reduced tissue perfusion, viral infiltration, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases
  • Treatment success and failure mechanisms are not fully understood
  • Practice-oriented medicine is needed to meet the immediate needs of Long-Covid patients

2024 | At present there is no approved evidence base for the use of this treatment and no real clarity as to which of those with Long COVID would benefit from the treatment.

Dr. Funmi Okunola MD

