Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Certified CPD Economic Impacts of Long Covid Relief | Treatments

E11: The Psychological Management of Mental Health in Long COVID ft. Prof Jim Jackson

E11 Explore the transformative power of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Long COVID recovery with Prof. Jim Jackson. Discover mindfulness, growth, and

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BREAKING NEWS News Other Post Viral Illnesses Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

BREAKING NEWS | COVID-19, Now 10th Leading Cause of Death, More Severe Than Flu

Dr. Okunola's latest newsletter dives into the latest Covid-19 data from the CDC. While Covid-19 is now the 10th leading cause of death,

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BREAKING NEWS Economic Impacts of Long Covid Long Covid Worldwide

BREAKING NEWS | Global Numbers of Long COVID thought to top 400million costing $1trillion per year

This research conducted interviews via telemedicine of 165 patients with Long COVID over a 2-year time frame. 

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Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Certified CPD Economic Impacts of Long Covid Relief | Treatments

E10: Brain Injury (Brain Fog) and Long COVID ft. Prof Jim Jackson

E10 Join Prof. Jim Jackson and Dr. Funmi Okunola as they dive into the impact of Long COVID on brain fog. Discover effective

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Ask an Expert Long Covid Questions Long Covid Symptoms

Ask an Expert – Professor James C. Jackson

Finding help can be difficult. We hope to remove a barrier by answering your long Covid questions by our long Covid Medical Experts.

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Advocacy Groups Long Covid Editors Choice Long Covid Worldwide

As a doctor, I’m disappointed in my colleagues for ignoring Long COVID. I made a resource to educate them and the public.

As a doctor, I’m disappointed in my colleagues for ignoring Long COVID. I made a resource to educate them and the public.

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Certified CPD Economic Impacts of Long Covid Long Covid in Low to Middle Incomes Relief | Treatments

E9:The Economic Cost of Long COVID Ft. Professor David Cutler

E9 Exploring the complex impact of Long COVID, this podcast ft. Prof David Cutler from Harvard University, delves into the ongoing health challenges,

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Certified CPD Diagnosis & Management

E8: Primary Care and the Emergence of Long COVID ft. Dr Richard J. Baron M.D

E8 Dr. Richard Baron discusses the challenges facing primary care, emphasizing the need for well-resourced, team-based approaches. He highlights the importance of increasing

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Certified CPD How does it present | Signs & Symptoms How to talk to your Doctor Long Covid Relief Relief | Treatments

E7: Diagnosing Long COVID in Primary Care. Ft. Professor Michelle Harkins MD

E7 Explore Long COVID's impact on patients and primary care, with tips on effective consultation preparation, physician evaluations, red flag symptoms, and the

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