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**How to support loved ones with Long Covid

A Misunderstood Disabling Chronic Illness: How You Can Support Loved Ones Living with Long-COVID


Long-COVID is a chronic illness affecting 1 in 5 adults post-COVID, impacting all ages and considered a disability. The symptoms vary, leading to physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges, affecting daily functioning. Patients express struggles with invisible symptoms and uncertainty, requiring support through listening, validation, and low-stress activities. Assistance with tasks, appointments, and advocacy is crucial, with resources available from the CDC, Long COVID SOS, and Body Politic for more information.

Main Points:

  • Long-COVID Facts
    • Affects 1 in 5 adults post-COVID
    • Impacts all ages, considered a disability
  • Impact
    • Symptoms vary, affecting daily function
    • Includes physical, cognitive, and emotional challenges
  • Messages from Patients
    • Express struggles with invisible symptoms and uncertainty
  • Support Tips
    • Listen, validate, and offer low-stress activities
    • Assist with tasks, appointments, and advocacy
  • Resources
    • CDC, Long COVID SOS, Body Politic for more information.

“I’m doing the best I can to function and survive, even though I’m grieving the change in my health, ability to work, relationships, and future

Long Covid The Answers

Credible Source:

University of Colorado Psychiatric Consultation for the Medically Complex Program – Leaflet for caregivers of Long Haulers.