Long Haulers’ Personal Stories

Leading longhaulers and advocates in the long Covid world.

Black People & Long Covid BREAKING NEWS Long Haulers' Personal Stories

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID Advocacy for Black & Indigenous People of Colour

 Chimére L Sweeney emphasizes the need for awareness, stating, "I want to help Black people tell their stories of long covid." The discussion highlights the importance of empathy and support for those affected, advocating for better healthcare access and understanding.

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Certified CPD Long Haulers' Personal Stories Personal Accounts of Long Covid

E5: Personal Long COVID Story & Advocacy ft. Gez Medinger

E5 Personal Long COVID Story & Advocacy ft. Gez Medinger In this episode, Gez Medinger discusses the complexities of Long COVID, the differences in vaccine responses, and the need for a more holistic medical approach. He also highlights his research, shared on YouTube and in his book, "The Long COVID Handbook," and the need for

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How does it present | Signs & Symptoms Long Covid Symptoms Long Haulers' Personal Stories

Why Does Long Covid Present with over 200 Symptoms?

There over 200 widely varying symptoms associated with Long Covid. Why is this? Find the answers in our Accredited Podcast with Dr Amy Proal, Microbiologist.

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Long Covid Heroes! Long Haulers' Personal Stories Relief | Treatments

Kayli | Longhauler

Kayli Jamieson (she/her) has been a longhauler since December 2021 and has been on and off medical leave from work and school since then. Nowadays, she works from home as a Long COVID researcher for PIPPS and is slowly writing a Master’s Thesis on Long COVID and biopolitics. When she’s not resting, she enjoys singing and playing

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Long Covid Heroes! Long Haulers' Personal Stories Relief | Treatments

Chimére L. Sweeney | Long Covid Warrior

Since 2020, Chimére L. Sweeney has been a tireless advocate for the inclusion of Black women with Long Covid in discussions and initiatives aimed at amplifying their distinct narratives, aiding in their condition management and treatment, and empowering them as genuine stakeholders in advocacy and research efforts.

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Long Haulers' Personal Stories Symptom Relief | Management

Navigating Long COVID in Academia

Dr. Abigail Koppes, Associate Professor of Chemical Engineering at Northeastern University, shares her journey of navigating academia with Long Covid.

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Black People & Long Covid Long Haulers' Personal Stories

Netia McCray Discusses Surviving COVID-19

Hosted by Mary C. Curtis, a discussion series explores COVID-19's impact on healthcare, starting with Netia McCray's battle and challenges in diagnosis and treatment, highlighting systemic healthcare issues.

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Long Haulers' Personal Stories Symptom Relief | Management

An ER Doctor’s Personal Account of Getting Long COVID

The tests are not normal... Every study of long haulers shows unbelievable pathology... We just don't have an easily accessible biomarker yet. While there are no approved treatments for long COVID yet, there IS hope, and there are treatments that help!

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