BREAKING NEWS News Other Post Viral Illnesses Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

BREAKING NEWS | COVID-19, Now 10th Leading Cause of Death, More Severe Than Flu

Dr. Okunola's latest newsletter dives into the latest Covid-19 data from the CDC. While Covid-19 is now the 10th leading cause of death, it it still more severe than the flue.

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BREAKING NEWS Economic Impacts of Long Covid Long Covid Worldwide

BREAKING NEWS | Global Numbers of Long COVID thought to top 400million costing $1trillion per year

This research conducted interviews via telemedicine of 165 patients with Long COVID over a 2-year time frame. 

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BREAKING NEWS Latest Research | Long Covid Long Covid Worldwide Prevalence Long Covid

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID The Relationship Between Recovery & Re-Infection

This research conducted interviews via telemedicine of 165 patients with Long COVID over a 2-year time frame. 

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BREAKING NEWS Drugs | Pharmaceuticals Latest Research | Long Covid Other Post Viral Illnesses Summaries of Long Covid


Researchers are looking at whether medications used to treat or prevent HIV may also alleviate long Covid symptoms.

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Black People & Long Covid BREAKING NEWS Long Haulers' Personal Stories

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID Advocacy for Black & Indigenous People of Colour

 Chimére L Sweeney emphasizes the need for awareness, stating, "I want to help Black people tell their stories of long covid." The discussion highlights the importance of empathy and support for those affected, advocating for better healthcare access and understanding.

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BREAKING NEWS Latest Research | Long Covid

VOTE NOW: Danielle Beckham | COVID Brain

Danielle Beckham Neuroscientist at the @CNPRCresearch . MS in Biophysics, PhD in Biological Chemistry. With her latest entry to NeuroArt "Unwelcome guest: SARS-Cov-2" - If you like it, please vote!

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BREAKING NEWS Drugs | Pharmaceuticals Latest Research | Long Covid

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID May Be Prevented with an Antiviral

This research concludes that ANTIVIRALS reduced the risk of developing Long COVID and should be recommended to treat an acute COVID infection ....

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BREAKING NEWS Canada & Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid Long Covid Worldwide ME/CFS

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID Risk Decreases as the Pandemic Progresses

They looked at the pre-delta, delta and omicron eras of infection with SARS-CoV-2 and showed that the risk of Long COVID decreased over the course of the pandemic from 10% to 8% in unvaccinated persons. The results of this trial have been talked about on social media with a lot of disappointment as Paxlovid didn’t

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Biomarkers BREAKING NEWS Latest Research | Long Covid

BREAKING NEWS: Visual Imaging Detects Remnants of SARS-CoV-2

A study on long Covid patients revealed persistent immune activation and potential virus presence in various organs even years after infection. The research utilized imaging techniques to identify immune activation in the brain, spinal cord, lungs, and gut wall. The findings suggest a need for further investigation into treatments targeting leftover virus and immunomodulating therapies....

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Biomarkers BREAKING NEWS Latest Research | Long Covid

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH: Autoantibodies linked to Long Covid Symptoms

with further research existing treatments targeting the eradication/reduction of these type of autoantibodies for Long COVID could be used and biomarkers (blood tests to show the presence of Long COVID) could be developed to identify these autoantibodies in Long Haulers who have these types of neurological symptoms, particularly those with chronic pain.

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