Symptom Relief | Management

Symptom Relief | Management

Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Certified CPD Economic Impacts of Long Covid Relief | Treatments

E11: The Psychological Management of Mental Health in Long COVID ft. Prof Jim Jackson

E11 Explore the transformative power of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Long COVID recovery with Prof. Jim Jackson. Discover mindfulness, growth, and community in healing.

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Headaches Long Covid Symptoms Migraines

Headaches in Long Covid

The presence of persistent migraines in long COVID highlights the enduring neurological impact of the virus, emphasizing the importance of tailored interventions and ongoing research to address the diverse challenges faced by individuals on the journey to recovery.

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Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Certified CPD Economic Impacts of Long Covid Relief | Treatments

E10: Brain Injury (Brain Fog) and Long COVID ft. Prof Jim Jackson

E10 Join Prof. Jim Jackson and Dr. Funmi Okunola as they dive into the impact of Long COVID on brain fog. Discover effective rehab strategies, mental health support tips, and expert advice on overcoming cognitive challenges. Don’t miss this vital conversation on reclaiming your clarity and focus!

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Anxiety Long Covid Symptoms

Anxiety in Long COVID

Anxiety, a pervasive mental state, involves excessive worry, fear, and apprehension about future events. It manifests physically and emotionally, often leading to restlessness, difficulty concentrating, and heightened arousal. Treatment may involve therapy, medication, or coping strategies to manage symptoms and improve daily functioning.

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Breathing | Respiratory Difficulty Breathing Long Covid Symptoms

Breathing Difficulty in Long COVID

Difficulty Breathing or Dyspnea in Long Covid. Individuals experiencing this symptom may feel short of breath or struggle with respiratory discomfort even when standard oxygen measurements appear within the normal range.

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Brain Fog Dysautonomia Gut Dysbiosis Long Covid Symptoms Sensorimotor Symptoms

Dysautonomia and Long Covid

Damage to the ANS leads to the following symptoms - palpitations, fainting, nausea, brain fog, headaches, fatigue, chest pain, dizziness, gastrointestinal disturbances as a direct result of the organs affected.

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(PEM) Post Exertional Malaise Fatigue Long Covid Symptoms PEM

PEM | Post Exertional Malaise

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) stands as a defining and often debilitating feature of Long COVID, PEM report a range of symptoms, including heightened fatigue, cognitive fog, muscle and joint pain, and a general sense of unwellness

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Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Long Covid Symptoms Research | Education

Brain Fog in Long Covid

Brain fog is a non-medical term used to describe a sensation of clouded thinking. It is one of the most common symptoms of Long COVID and since we now have scientific evidence that SARS-CoV-2 can damage the brain some scientists are saying that the symptom should be referred to as a “BRAIN INJURY” OR “COGNITIVE

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Diarrhea Long Covid Symptoms Stomach | Gastrointestinal

*Gastrointestinal Issues in Long Covid

Gastrointestinal issues in Long COVID often include symptoms such as diarrhea, abdominal pain, and irritable bowel syndrome. These issues are linked to disruptions in the gut microbiome and alterations in serum metabolites

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