Muscles & Bones | Musculoskeletal

Muscles & Bones | Musculoskeletal

Muscle aches Muscles & Bones | Musculoskeletal

**Muscle Aches in Long COVID

Muscle aches, a common symptom, often involve generalized or localized pain, weakness, and fatigue. Those at higher risk include older adults, females, individuals with severe acute symptoms, and those with pre-existing health conditions. Management involves a multidisciplinary approach, including physical therapy, pain management, and regular medical follow-up

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Joint Pain Muscles & Bones | Musculoskeletal

**Joint Pain in Long COVID

Joint pain in Long COVID is characterized by persistent discomfort, stiffness, and inflammation in various joints throughout the body. Unlike typical post-viral joint pain, which tends to resolve within a few weeks, Long COVID-associated joint pain persists, contributing to a prolonged and complex health challenge.

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