Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

Other Viral illnesses that cause chronic disease

BREAKING NEWS News Other Post Viral Illnesses Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

BREAKING NEWS | COVID-19, Now 10th Leading Cause of Death, More Severe Than Flu

Dr. Okunola's latest newsletter dives into the latest Covid-19 data from the CDC. While Covid-19 is now the 10th leading cause of death, it it still more severe than the flue.

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Latest Research | Long Covid Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

**Unexplained post-acute infection syndromes

Exploring the complexities of Post-Infectious Fatigue Syndromes reveals a landscape where diagnostic criteria overlap, prevalence data is scarce, and core symptoms persist, hinting at a shared pathophysiology underlying chronic disability post-infection.

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Latest Research | Long Covid Other Viral Illnesses that cause chronic disease

Flu Patients at Longer Term Risk

A study suggests that individuals hospitalized with flu face a heightened risk of long-term health issues, akin to long Covid.

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