Brain Fog Brain Fog | Cognitive functioning Long Covid Symptoms Research | Education

Brain Fog | Long COVID is Associated with Severe Cognitive Slowing

Cognitive slowing emerges as a distinct marker in post-COVID-19 conditions, setting apart survivors with enduring symptoms. The pronounced delays observed in simple reaction time tasks signal a potential key factor contributing to cognitive impairments, marking a critical aspect of the post-COVID-19 cognitive landscape.

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(PEM) Post Exertional Malaise Fatigue Long Covid Symptoms Mitochondria PEM


Mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouse of cells, responsible for producing energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) through oxidative phosphorylation. In Long COVID, mitochondrial dysfunction can occur due to various factors, including viral impact, immune system dysregulation, and oxidative stress, leading to impaired energy production and cellular processes.

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