Black People & Long Covid

Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) face unique challenges with long COVID, including higher infection rates and prolonged symptoms due to systemic healthcare disparities. Discrimination in healthcare results in delayed diagnoses, limited access to treatment, and inadequate support. Addressing these inequalities is vital to ensure equitable care and improve outcomes for BIPOC communities affected by long COVID.

Black People & Long Covid BREAKING NEWS Long Haulers' Personal Stories

BREAKING NEWS | Long COVID Advocacy for Black & Indigenous People of Colour

 Chimére L Sweeney emphasizes the need for awareness, stating, "I want to help Black people tell their stories of long covid." The discussion highlights the importance of empathy and support for those affected, advocating for better healthcare access and understanding.

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Black People & Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid

**Living with Long Covid in Lagos

Battling Long Covid: The Ongoing Struggle for Those Testing Negative but Still Suffering

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Black People & Long Covid

**Black Long Covid Sufferers Felt Invisible

In the face of healthcare disparities and persistent symptoms, Black Covid survivors are forging paths to healing through solidarity, advocacy, and resilience

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Black People & Long Covid

**Persistent Covid-19 Symptoms in Lagos

This study on persistent COVID-19 symptoms in survivors from Lagos State, Nigeria, reveals that 40.9% of patients experience ongoing health issues like fatigue and headaches. It underscores the importance of continuous post-discharge monitoring to improve survivors' quality of life.

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Black People & Long Covid Economic Impacts of Long Covid

**Pandemic Impact on BIPOC Women

The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected Indigenous and racialized women, exacerbating existing inequalities and highlighting systemic issues.

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Black People & Long Covid Long Haulers' Personal Stories

Netia McCray Discusses Surviving COVID-19

Hosted by Mary C. Curtis, a discussion series explores COVID-19's impact on healthcare, starting with Netia McCray's battle and challenges in diagnosis and treatment, highlighting systemic healthcare issues.

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Black People & Long Covid

**Black Covid Documentary

Coronavirus brought us back to our roots, reminding us who we were, who we are, and who we will always be: African Americans surviving, thriving, living, learning, and loving. This is Black COVID “The Rona.”

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Black People & Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid

*** Ethnicity & Race impact PASC

Understanding and addressing racial/ethnic disparities in post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 is crucial for developing targeted interventions and improving outcomes for all affected individuals

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Black People & Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid Symptom Relief | Management

*** Understanding Long COVID in Africa: Insights from a Systematic Review

The study underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and support systems to address the growing number of children affected by COVID-19-related orphanhood and caregiver death, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based emergency response programming.

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Black People & Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid PASC

*** Black & Hispanic Disparities PASC

Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Post-acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection in New York: an EHR-Based Cohort Study from the RECOVER Program

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