Biomarkers Latest Research | Long Covid

*** Research | Signs of thromboinflammation

SOURCE: Cervia-Hasler C, Brüningk SC, Hoch T, Fan B, Muzio G, Thompson RC, Ceglarek L, Meledin R, Westermann P, Emmenegger M, Taeschler P. Persistent complement dysregulation with signs of thromboinflammation in active Long Covid. Science. 2024 Jan 19;383(6680):eadg7942.


The document discusses a study on Long Covid, focusing on the activation of the complement system and proteomic analysis. Various components such as Antithrombin III, Complement C5, and Factor B were measured at different intensities and fold changes, with a follow-up at 6 months. The study aimed to identify biomarkers associated with Long Covid and recovery.

  • Antithrombin III:
    • Levels measured at 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0 intensity.
    • Follow-up conducted at 6 months.
  • Complement C5:
    • Intensity measured as I, J, K, and O.
    • Associated with immune response and coagulation.
  • Factor B:
    • Various components measured including IGLV5-45, IGHV3-74, and others.
    • Fold change and p values analyzed for significance.
  • Long Covid Study:
    • Complement system activation observed in Long Covid patients.
    • Complement levels normalized in recovering patients.
    • Proteomic analysis conducted with over 6500 proteins measured.
    • Computational tools used to identify biomarkers.

Main Points:

  • Antithrombin III Levels: Measured at different intensities during the study.
  • Complement C5 Intensity: Analyzed for its role in immune response and coagulation.
  • Factor B Components: Including IGLV5-45, IGHV3-74, and others, with significance testing.

The study on Long Covid investigated the activation of the complement system and conducted proteomic analysis on over 6500 proteins. Various components such as Antithrombin III, Complement C5, and Factor B were measured at different intensities and fold changes, with a follow-up at 6 months. The study aimed to identify biomarkers associated with Long Covid and recovery.

Long Covid The Answers

Credible Source:

Cervia-Hasler C, Brüningk SC, Hoch T, Fan B, Muzio G, Thompson RC, Ceglarek L, Meledin R, Westermann P, Emmenegger M, Taeschler P. Persistent complement dysregulation with signs of thromboinflammation in active Long Covid. Science. 2024 Jan 19;383(6680):eadg7942.