Certified CPD How does it present | Signs & Symptoms Personal Accounts of Long Covid

E6: PEM, Long COVID & It’s Management. ft. Prof. Todd Davenport

E6 Todd Davenport discusses the overlap between Long COVID and ME/CFS, emphasizing differing pathogens, bioenergetic dysfunction, and diagnostic challenges, while advocating for patient history, symptom validation, and pacing strategies for management.

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(PEM) Post Exertional Malaise Fatigue Long Covid Symptoms PEM

PEM | Post Exertional Malaise

Post-exertional malaise (PEM) stands as a defining and often debilitating feature of Long COVID, PEM report a range of symptoms, including heightened fatigue, cognitive fog, muscle and joint pain, and a general sense of unwellness

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(PEM) Post Exertional Malaise Fatigue Long Covid Symptoms ME/CFS PEM

**ME /CFS Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

ME/CFS can develop in Long Covid survivors, characterized by severe fatigue, post-exertional malaise, cognitive impairments, and sleep disturbances. Anyone, but predominantly women, can be affected. Management includes pacing, symptom-specific treatments, and multidisciplinary support.

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