Diagnosis & Management Research | Education

Understanding and Managing Long COVID: Insights from Clinicians’ Experiences

An excellent guide for managing Long COVID in Primary Care. Insights from clinicians on the definition, prevalence, and management of long COVID. Covering a range of topics from diagnosis to rehabilitation, it emphasizes the importance of a holistic, multidisciplinary approach in understanding and treating this complex condition.   Key Points:   In the absence of

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Long Covid Symptoms What is Long Covid Who gets long Covid

Long Covid Diagnosis & General Symptoms

Unraveling Long COVID: Identifying Vulnerable Groups and Varied Symptoms Summary: Published on December 27, 2023, this article delves into new research highlighting specific demographics most susceptible to Long COVID, almost four years post-pandemic. Individuals with a history of allergies, anxiety, depression, arthritis, autoimmune diseases, and women are identified as more prone to developing Long COVID.

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Latest Research | Long Covid Papers Who gets long Covid

Understanding Long COVID in the US: Prevalence, Correlates, and Impact

Summary: A recent study using data from the Household Pulse Survey reveals that 14% of respondents in the United States report experiencing long COVID, with higher rates in women, Whites, and those with lower education and income. Long COVID is linked to negative affect, physical mobility issues, and mental problems, contributing to cognitive and physical

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Dizziness, Vertigo & Balance Issues Nervous System | Neurological

**Dizziness and Vertigo in Long COVID

Dizziness and vertigo have emerged as persistent and disconcerting symptoms in the realm of Long COVID, adding complexity to the post-acute phase of the virus. This overview explores the typical symptoms, demographic profile of those affected, and the prevalence of dizziness and vertigo in the context of Long COVID. Typical Symptoms: Dizziness and vertigo in

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Symptom Relief | Management

**Long Covid Carers | Taking the strain

Caring for individuals with Long COVID introduces a unique set of challenges for caregivers, as the symptoms can be both diverse and persistent. This overview explores common Long COVID symptoms that caregivers often manage and highlights the complexities they face in navigating the evolving landscape of information and care. Common Long COVID Symptoms for Carers:

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Joint Pain Muscles & Bones | Musculoskeletal

**Joint Pain in Long COVID

Joint pain in Long COVID is characterized by persistent discomfort, stiffness, and inflammation in various joints throughout the body. Unlike typical post-viral joint pain, which tends to resolve within a few weeks, Long COVID-associated joint pain persists, contributing to a prolonged and complex health challenge.

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Latest Research | Long Covid Papers Trending

Long COVID’s Multisystemic Impact and Research Gaps

Long COVID: Lifelong Symptoms, Disability, and Economic Implications Summary: highlights the long-term consequences of COVID-19, indicating potential causes, associated health risks, and the multifaceted nature of symptoms. It emphasizes the urgent need for research led by ME/CFS and dysautonomia experts, prioritizing clinical trials and representative studies to address the profound impact of long COVID. Main

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Latest Research | Long Covid Papers

Post-COVID-19 Condition in Canada

Canada’s Task Force Highlights Challenges and Recommendations for Post-COVID-19 Condition (PCC) Summary Consultative roundtables in 2022 emphasized the prevalence of Post-COVID-19 condition (PCC) in Canada, estimated to affect 10-20% of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals. PCC lacks a unified definition, making diagnosis challenging, and the virus’s interaction with ACE2 is identified as a key aspect. The need

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Economic Impacts of Long Covid Latest Research | Long Covid Loss of Salary

Economic Costs of Long Covid

Economic costs of long Covid in the UK. Latest research study

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Children, Covid & Long Covid Kids | Pediatrics Trending

Over 5.2 Million Children Affected by COVID-19-Associated Orphanhood and Caregiver Death from March 2020-Oct 2021

A study reveals a surge in COVID-19-associated orphan-hood, with 5.2 million children affected globally by Oct 2021

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