Drugs | Pharmaceuticals Latest Research | Long Covid Symptom Relief | Management

*** Case Studies Initiative for Long COVID: Exploring Repurposed Drugs

The study underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions and support systems to address the growing number of children affected by COVID-19-related orphanhood and caregiver death, emphasizing the importance of evidence-based emergency response programming.

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Mental Health Symptom Relief | Management

SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE – Factors Associated with Psychiatric Outcomes and Coping in Long COVID

The study sheds light on the psychiatric burden faced by Long COVID patients, highlighting the need for comprehensive support and targeted interventions to address their mental health challenges

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Long Covid Symptoms Numbness

**Numbness or Loss of Sensation in Long Covid

The presence of numbness or loss of sensation in long COVID underscores the enduring neurological impact of the virus, emphasizing the need for comprehensive evaluation and management strategies to address these symptoms and support overall well-being.

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Heart & Blood Vessels | Cardiovascular Long Covid Symptoms Pain/Burning in Chest

**Pain or Burning in Chest | Long Covid

The presence of chest pain, including burning sensations, in long COVID underscores the diverse and persistent health challenges faced by individuals on the journey to recovery. Comprehensive evaluation and management strategies are crucial to address these symptoms and support overall well-being.

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Long Covid Symptoms Speech and Language

**Difficulty Speaking with Long Covid

Difficulty Breathing in Long Covid. Individuals experiencing this symptom may feel short of breath or struggle with respiratory discomfort even when standard oxygen measurements appear within the normal range.

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Agnosia Long Covid Symptoms

**Agnosia in Long Covid

Agnosia is a rare disorder whereby a patient is unable to recognize and identify objects, persons, or sounds using one or more of their senses despite otherwise normally functioning senses.

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Long Covid Symptoms Restless leg syndrome Sleep

*Restless Leg Syndrome in Long Covid

The presence of Restless Leg Syndrome in long COVID underscores the enduring neurological impact of the virus, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions and continued research to address the complex and persistent challenges faced by individuals on the journey to recovery.

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Long Covid Symptoms Sensorimotor Symptoms Tinnitus

**Tinnitus in Long Covid

The presence of tinnitus in long COVID underscores the enduring auditory impact of the virus, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions and continued research to address the complex and persistent challenges faced by individuals on the journey to recovery.

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Long Covid Symptoms Neuralgia | Nerve Pain

**Neuralgia | Nerve Pain in Long Covid

The presence of neuralgia in long COVID underscores the enduring neurological impact of the virus, emphasizing the need for tailored interventions and continued research to address the complex and persistent challenges faced by individuals on the journey to recovery.

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Allergies Immune System | Immunological and Autoimmune Long Covid Symptoms New allergies

**Allergies in Long Covid

In long COVID, allergies may manifest as symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, itchy or watery eyes, and skin rashes. These allergic reactions can vary in severity and may be triggered by common allergens such as pollen, dust, or certain foods, contributing to discomfort and impaired quality of life.

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